Silver has a long history of being used in medicine and public health. For example, the ancient Macedonians used silver sheets to cover wounds to speed up healing. Early in the Chinese slave dynasty, silver cups, plates and chopsticks were used to test whether food is poisonous.
- What is AG+ ?
Silver ions are silver in which the silver atom loses more than one electron. It refers to the existence of silver in an ionic state. The oxidation activity of silver ions varies with the valence. Ag2+ and Ag3+ silver ions have high oxidizing properties, and Ag2+ has higher oxidation oxidation-reduction potential properties. The effectiveness of high-valent silver ions is 300 to 17,000 times that of metallic silver or silver salt. Because of the extremely high oxidation-reduction potential of high-valence silver ions, they are generally called active silver ions.
- Why silver ions can kill bacteria?

Ag+ can strongly attract and react with the sulfhydryl groups (-SH) gathered by the body, solidify the protein, destroy the activity of cell synthetase, and the cell loses the ability to divide and proliferate and die. When the bacteria lose their activity, the silver ions are removed from the bacteria. Free out and repeat the sterilization activities. Therefore, its antibacterial effect is long-lasting, and this attractive effect will not cause the mutation of bacterial resistance to harm human health, which is much more advantageous than antibiotics.
- Will silver ions cause harm to the human body?
The reason why silver ions can kill bacteria is that silver ions free in water can act on the sulfhydryl group (-SH) on the protease in the bacterial body, causing the protease to lose its activity and causing the death of the bacteria.
When the bacteria are killed by the silver ions, the silver ions can be freed from the corpse of the bacteria and continue to kill the remaining bacteria.
Therefore, a very low dosage of silver ions can kill lot of bacteria without causing harm to the human body.
- Will silver release silver ions when placed in water?
The answer is of course not. Silver is a simple substance of silver and the Ag atoms are tightly connected by metal bonds. If placed in water, the proportion of silver ions ionized is estimated to be one millionths. In terms of probability, we consider an event with a probability close to infinitely small as an impossible event.
Besides of bacteria, silver ions also have a certain killing effect on viruses. Previous studies have found that silver ions can disrupt the replication of SARS coronavirus and have a killing effect.
- Can silver ions kill the new coronavirus?
SARS and the new coronavirus are both human coronaviruses, and the genetic sequence similarity exceeds 85%. Therefore, although there is no relevant research data on silver ions and new coronaviruses, it is speculated that silver ions may also have a killing effect on them.
- AG+ Application in Textile?
Yarn AG+ is blended with silver ion fiber and cotton or polyester fiber, which with permanent anti-bacterial, deodorant and moisture wicking function.
Silver fiber: a permanent functional fiber made by blending silver ions into the spinning melt and spinning. It has the advantages of broad-spectrum antibacterial, high antibacterial rate, long-lasting antibacterial effect, and a wide range of applications
Utilizing the unique cross-sectional structure and the fine grooves on the fiber surface, the moisture and sweat on the skin surface can be quickly absorbed to the job surface through wicking, diffusion, and transmission.

Yarn with Silver Ions is not only antibacterial, but also can regulate body temperature and humidity. It can also control body odor and remove unpleasant odors from the body. It is a fine product in health underwear fabrics and hosiery. In a warm and humid environment, Silver ions have a very high biological activity, which means that silver ions are easily combined with other substances, making the proteins inside and outside the bacterial cell membrane coagulate, thereby blocking the respiration and reproduction process of bacterial cells. The warmer and humid the environment, the stronger the activity of the Silver Ions. Therefore, the AG+ yarn is very suitable for underwear and socks. It can promote the natural emission of moisture through the fiber, and accelerate the movement of moisture, namely accelerate the evaporation of sweat, decompose and discharge the sweat secreted by the skin, and increase the comfort. It can also eliminate static electricity and absorb electromagnetic waves harmful to the human body.
Test Report of AG+ Yarn